Why is Europe So Secular?

Going to church is an essential part of every tourist’s trip to Europe. Whether they are in Barcelona, Prague, or Paris, they shuffle quietly into some of the most stunning buildings in the world. They look at statues, stonework, paintings, and stained glass. The especially curious might attend a service. If they do, they will wonder why almost everyone there is, like them, a tourist. Europeans attend religious services less than people anywhere else in the world. Why?

Why Does Japan Make Such Good Cars?

Cars are expensive. Unless you’re talking antiques, their value only goes down. They cost a lot to repair and it’s a hassle when you have to. So it’s no wonder that reliability is a primary consideration when people buy a car. For the past thirty years, your safest bet has been to buy Japanese.

Why are the Japanese so good at making cars?

Why is Iran So Religious?

A few years ago, Gallup asked people in more than a hundred countries whether religion was an important part of their daily lives. 83% of Iranians said, “Yes.” That may sound high but it actually put Iran right in the middle of the pack. But it’s understandable if you think of Iran as a land of religious zealots because that is how it’s portrayed in the media, especially in the US.

Why are Canadians So Nice?

Some countries get all the luck. Canada is one of them.

Not only does it have a strong economy and high living standards, it even gets stereotyped well. Canada is a place where the weather is cold but the people are warm. They enjoy moose and maple trees. They cheer ice hockey. They don’t get involved in wars. They have a cool flag. Crime is low. Everyone has good health care.